Sunday, October 10, 2010

Topsfield Fair

The girls and I ventured out to the Topsfield Fair and had the best time ever. The girls can't wait to go back again.
We also watched the duck races, which was so fun and we sat and watched the dock dogs, which was an event where the dogs raced off of a dock into the pool and saw how far they could jump. The best part was the amateur dogs who would suddenly put their brakes on and slip into the side of the pool, rather than racing in and jumping in.
Olivia pats the horses, she told me that she is an animal whisperer and has a way with animals.
These were the prizes the girls won after the strong man contest.

They took a spin on the "slowest" train ever!

Lexi says she never wants to ride the panda again - it flies!

Olivia rode the horse while Lexi sat on the bench for the carousel ride.

The girls made candles out of bee's wax.

This Clydesdale was huge, 8ft 2in.

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