Sunday, January 3, 2010

Olivia's Mothers Poem

Olivia has written a mothers poem which she would like all mothers to say when they wake up or go to sleep.

I am a mother a strong proud one
I will let my children feel the nice warm sun

I will keep my word to keep my kids safe from harm
I will bring them to the hospital if they break their arm

I will make them a warm feast on a cold day
And keep them from bees each and every May

That's my oath that I will keep
I will say it when I wake up and go to sleep

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 A New Decade - The Top 10 Events Of The Last Decade

A new decade brings new adventures for us, here is a list of my biggest 10 events from the last decade.

10. Going from having alot of money to living pay check to pay check (but happier)
9. Selling our houses and moving to Walnut St
8. Travelling (Iceland, Alaska, Hawaii, Carribbean)
7. Being independtly single
6. Road trip to PA!
5. Visiting Disney World and viewing it through your daughters eyes
4. Olivia in Children's hospital ICU and Lexi getting surgery
3. Fantastic once in a lifetime Hawaii trip with our friends (money was no object)
2. Walking on the Great Wall of China and travelling to China twice (meeting great friends as well)
1. The adoption of my two daughters!

I am sure there are many other events that have happened but these are the top 10 things that quickly pop in my mind.

Here's looking to another decade of memories....