Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 40th Anniversary!

I had a small intimate 40th anniversary party for my parents. I invited all the original buddies from back in the day. George brought his guitar and we sang along to Beatles tunes and we were even blessed with a drunken belly dance by Auntie.
Dad and his good friend Bill.
Dad with Estelle and Melissa.

Steve and Marie Heinstrom

Al Brown and Harold Seaward

Wallis, Debbie Brown and Marie Heinstrom

George Belli and his fiance Louise

Twillingate Farm

Customers of MVRH invited us down to see their alpaca farm, so when Auntie came up from FL we thought this would be a fun thing to do.
This is a picture of their cute little flower shop. We bought grapevine balls filled with alpaca fur to hang out for the birds to use for building their nests. When all the fur is depleted, I can fill it up with Husky fur - lord knows I have plenty of that around this house.

These are the male alpacas and one male llama.

These are some of the females along with the newest addition to the farm.

This male is so black you can barely see his eyes.

This female is newly pregnant.

The females have the most beautiful eyes and eyelashes.

Stone Zoo

During April Vacation, the girls and I went over to the Stone Zoo for a few hours and then enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Friendly's (Kids Eat For $1.99) - which ever day I went - YAHOO!

Lexi's Preschool Performance

Lexi had her big end of year performance at preschool. Her class sang a song about flying a kite at the is on facebook.

Here she is waiting to find a seat with her classmates.

On stage, she sings really loud and acts out her perfomance - SHE'S A STAR!
Lexi poses with her good friend Emelia and Big Sis Olivia.

Friends Forever!