Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lexi's Surgery

Lexi's surgery was scheduled for 9am at Winchester Hospital, so off we were at 7am to check in for 7:30 (of course, we got there by 7:15). Lexi was a little nervous but went with the flow.

Olivia gives her sister a big hug and kiss before we leave.

Lexi stops for a pic before entering the hospital.

We checked into day surgery and watched cartoons, before they called us. In the pre-op area, they took Lexi's height 37 in. and weight 31.4 lbs. She wasn't having any part of putting on her little johnny. So, we didn't push our luck. Instead she got a bunch of stickers to play with.

Here she is in the waiting room watching SpongeBob and playing with her stickers.

At 8:15, they called us in the holding for surgery room. At first just Lexi and I went back, but soon Nana came out back too. I think Lexi was nervous wondering where Nana was. Still she would have no part of that johnny!

When it was time, I was invited into the surgery room with her. So, I needed to dress the part. That finally got Lexi to put on her johnny. Here we are sporting our hospital duds.

So off to the operating room we went. With her strawberry face mask in hand, the anesthia doctor put the mask over Lexi's face. Lexi fought it with all her might and finally drifted off to sleep. This part was very heartbreaking to see your child slip under like this (I don't reccommend it for the faint of heart). I was crying and then was led out to the waiting room.

Once in the waiting room, I don't think we waited more than 10 minutes before the doctor came out. He said everything went fine, she didn't need any stitches and she is already awake. He then brought us into the recovery room to wait for Lexi to arrive. The nurses went and got some popsicles awaiting her arrival.

Within a few short minutes Lexi was wheeled in wide awake on her gurney and then cried out for me when she saw me. I was able to hold her immediately and rock her in the chair. She cried for about 20 mins, which I think was part of coming out of the anesthia. Then, she kept saying I go home and go night night.

Here she is with me immediately after her surgery.

By 10am we were ready to leave the hospital and go home. Olivia had a present waiting for Lexi at home, a baby doll for play and bath.

Oh and how could I forget a picture of the doctor!

Overall we had an excellent experience at Winchester Hospital. All the doctors and nurses were great and very caring. Lexi is home playing and eating slowly and getting back to being herself.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Clark's Trading Post

Today we had a great family day at Clark's Trading Post, two hours away in Lincoln, NH. Again, it was a last minute idea but turned out to be a lot of fun.

Lexi enjoyed riding the big train through Wolfman territory, although she was afraid of him. I thought the guy was kind of lame and I could surely play a better Wolfman and howl alot better.

We had fun watching the bear act and learning all about the bears. I had a blast locking the kids in jail at Wolfman's Hotel. Lexi actually tried to climb out of the jail. We ended up only seeing bits and pieces of the Chinese Acrobatic show, as we couldn't take another half hour sitting on the bleachers.

Here is Olivia dipping candles, she had a blast doing this and is very proud of her artwork. She is trying to find a place in her bedroom to hang them where her sister can't get them.

At the end of the day, the girls got a teddy bear to go, purchased their collectable pins for their lanyards and made their flattened penny for their collections.

I got the pleasure of driving home the two hours in traffic, while everyone else snacked and napped.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Surfing in Ipswich

Today, we had a great visit with The Brown's at their Ipswich cottage. Olivia really looks forward to going here every summer. The girls had a blast trying to surf on the boogie boards as well as floating around in the ocean. Olivia got a little nervous while swimming out with her float to the boat, as the tide current was a little stronger than she thought and she started to float away. After me screaming, kick your feet, she was finally able to make her way back to the shore.

Here are some fun pics from today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fun @ The Wading Pool

To beat the heat yesterday, me and the girls went off to the wading pool. We were anxious to get there and were the first ones there. Check out these pics of an empty pool! The girls loved being the only ones in the pool for about 5 MINS!

Every time we go to the pool, we have the toys that all the other kids steal (borrow) and want to play with. Now prepared with two mermaid dolls, buckets, teapots and more, it was time for Lexi to get revenge on all the other kids. The hot toy today was floats. Here is Lexi floating around in another kids float, how cute!

A few more pics of the girls posing and Olivia swimming under water. Lexi was blocking her eyes from the sun.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lexi Splish Splashing

Olivia was off to a pool party today, so Lexi got to enjoy the baby pool all by herself with Papa. Here are some cute pics of her in the pool. Lexi was surprised when Beth sent home a goodie bag for her as well, how nice!

Olivia's Garden

Back in February, Olivia started her garden in the house with seeds. She kept her plants in the front window where they would get a lot of sunshine. Here is how her garden looks now on the back porch. We have tomatos, purple peppers and cucumbers. Her first crop is almost ready to be picked (cucumber)!