Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lexi To Have Surgery

So today Lexi had her consult with the ear, nose and throat doctor. He said it was about 50/50 whether or not to have surgery to correct tongue tie. I have opted to have it done, to be scheduled for August 27th. I didn't want to wait until she was older, I wanted her to get it done and over with now. It is a very minor surgery but they do put her under "gas" general anesthesia so they can quickly make the cut without her moving around. She will also have a few dissolvable stitches.

So, stay tuned for her surgery on August 27th.

1 comment:

Charlene said...

Sam, I will be thinking of Lexi next week. Where is she having the surgery done? I think that you are smart in not waiting until she is older. That is great that the stitches are dissolvable.