Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, the girls took their tubs and got on their Christmas pajamas. Although, Lexi had a mind of her own on what she wanted to wear. She chose a nightgown and halloween pants. We watched Christmas shows and just after 6pm, Santa Claus called the house and spoke to Olivia. Olivia had no problem ratting her sister out and I reminded her that Lexi deserved presents and to make sure Santa knew. At about 7:30, we got the cookies and milk ready and headed upstairs to bed. Everyone was asleep by 8:30 awaiting the big guy's arrival.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

That is too funny about Olivia ratting Lexi out. Ha! Looks like the girls were good this year.. Lots of gifts....Hooray!! Olivia (my Olivia) is like Lexi, she walks around here in some really strange outfits sometimes... A mind of their own...