Every Tink - needs a Peter Pan. But, in this case, Captain Hook. We always root for the bad guy! Olivia has done such a good job taking care of Tink, I couldn't resist this little cutey when he came into the hospital as a Stray. A girl brought him in as a rescue from her friends cat who had kittens. The friends weren't being very nice to the kittens and were planning on doing bad things to them. The girl took all the kittens and got rid of them all except this little one. Now, Captain Hook resides with us as Lexi's baby (with supervision from her big sis!) That's it no more furry creatures at this house - the sign is up NO VACANCY!

Tink is slowly being introduced to him and has decided to give him a dope slap every now and then to keep him in line. I am hoping as he gets bigger the two of them will be inseperable (of course after they are fixed!).
We love him so much, and both the little kittys have brought such a fun time into the house!
1 comment:
Just dropping in to say "Hi".. Love you guys and miss you bunches. Cute kitten by the way!!
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