The kids getting ready to dive into a pie from Marion's Pie Shop. We must say, Olivia's apple pie is better. Nana and I would love to open up a pie shop in Reading, just like this one!

Olivia is amazed by the turtles

The girls feed the deer. As soon as the deer start eating, the roosters come out of nowhere charging at our feet to eat all the corn that has dropped on the ground.

This is Olivia posing with the bobcat. Don't you see it?? It is in the back of the picture sleeping on the wooden shelf.

Last day at the pool. It was an overcast day and a cool breeze so the kids only lasted about 1/2 hour.
Scargo Tower - me and the girls walked up to the top, after Lexi was confused and tried climbing the oustide of it. Unfortunately, when we got to the top we were all scared to death of the height and couldn't take any pictures - it took all of our might to walk back down.

Last day at the pool. It was an overcast day and a cool breeze so the kids only lasted about 1/2 hour.
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