Today in 2002, just around this time (or so). I just gave up and walked out of my office, when the phone rang. I ran back in to answer and the voice on the other end, said congratulations you have a baby girl. Her name is Cen Rui and she is from the Heng Feng Institute in Jiangxi Province. Her birthday is 3/23/02. We will send you a picture and you will receive the information in Fedex tomorrow. Where should we send it? I said to work!
I couldn't believe it. There was finally a face to the little girl I dreamed so much about.
The next morning, I was so anxious to receive the fedex package. I was so afraid to see what she looked liked. I opened the envelope and took a peek at her picture for the very first time. All my co-workers and friends were around me, including mom.
Once opened, I shared the pictures with everyone. Everyone was so excited to finally see her as I spoke about for nearly two years. I studied every inch of the pictures. Her eyes, her little nose, her cheekbone structure and her eyebrows. I knew every inch of her as if she was sitting right in front of me. Right after work I went to CVS and made copies of her pictures and put them in frames all over my house, as if she was already with me.
We didn't get to travel until February 2003. That is a story for another day.
Once in China. On the bus ride from the airport, our coordinator said your babies are at the hotel and you will have them in about 20 mins. She rambled other stuff, I think about the paperwork and to get your bags in the room, etc. I looked at my mom, scared to death. Not quite sure if I had made the right decision. What was I going to do with a baby?
I was panicking. I remembering rummaging through my luggage for the gifts and then heading in the elevator to (I think the 4th floor). Once off the elevator, we headed down the corridor. I heard the babies for the first time. I continued on and when I peeked in the door, who did I see? Olivia!!! She was the first baby in the room.
She was happy, smiling, had a little tweety bird pocketbook and was just waiting to meet me.
Here are some pics of the first moments and some memorable moments of China.
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