Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning, we were awake by 6am to see what Santa brought. Lexi opens up her stocking.

Lexi gets Bitty Twins! Of course, these were on Olivia's last minute Christmas list.

She gets a Woody!

Olivia gets Julie!
When all presents were open, there was still one more under the tree that got overlooked. It was Olivia's laptop - she was ecstatic!

Twas The Night Before Christmas...

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, the girls were stirring....... we decided to start a new Christmas Eve tradition, which included opening up a few presents. The girls each received new Christmas pajamas...and then they open up a new game. We ordered Chinese food and played Monopoly before taking showers getting in our pj's and watching the traditional shows. The girls each received an email video directly from Santa, as well as a phone call. Here Olivia talks to Santa....she says to me a few things don't match up....Santa said he is in the North Pole, but on Nordic Santa....he is somewhere near China.....HMMM...I think she is on to something! Lexi has a turn talking to Santa!

The girls put out their reindeer food to attract Rudolph to our house.

A quick pic under the tree...

and then finally some cookies and a note for Santa....The note reads: Dear Santa, I really want an elf this year also with my other stuff. Also, if you get burned by fire my mom did it! The baby bitty that I want are Asian and The American girl doll that I want is Ivy, Julie..the next doll of the year is Elizabeth.. Merry Christmas

Breakfast with Santa

The girls enjoyed having a meet and great with Santa at the Hard Rock Cafe. This is really a great time for the price you pay. Breakfast was delicious and it is such an intimate setting.