So, we are finally two days away from our road trip to Dutch Country, PA. We are all very excited to meet Kolleen, Julianna and Elizabeth. Julianna and Olivia became pen pals, while waiting for their little sisters from China. Lexi has been saying "Lizabet" see me and be my friend. How cute!
Here is our itinerary as of today.Saturday: Leave and drive 3 hours to Norwalk, CT
Planning on visiting Maritime Aquarium and walk around that area
Sunday: Leave CT, drive 2 hours to Six Flags Safari in NJ
We did this safari before when Olivia was Lexi's age and the kids loved it!
Drive from NJ to Lancaster, PA (2 hours) where we meet up with our friends
Monday: Dutch Wonderland
Tuesday: Explore Dutch Country (hoping for a buggy ride and farm visit)
Wednesday: Drive to Hershey and explore Chocolate World. The kids can't wait
for this!
Drive to Whitehall, PA (1.5 hours) and stay overnight.
Thursday: Trek home! (5 hours)
I was originally thinking about stoping at the Statue of Liberty on the way home, until I heard they get 16,000 visitors a day. Don't quite think my kids are up for that yet.
We are also hoping to meet up with the Gong family from Olivia's travel group. They have two little girls as well and live in Central NJ, so we are trying to mesh their schedule with ours.
I am going to try to update the blog from our vacation, so stay tuned.
A little update around the house. Olivia got bit by a bug and her elbow area swelled up like a balloon. Luckily, only for two days! Doctors weren't worried about it and said it is happening to all the kids, just watch for infection.
Lexi is potty training, she is doing pretty good. I had to hide all the pull ups from her, as she could change herself and was attached to her diapers. She now runs in and poops pretty regularly on the toilet, we have few pee accidents. But, unfortunately, due to our long road trip, she will need to wear her pull ups again, as I won't have a lot of extra clothes with me.
Lexi carries on many conversations now, but I brought up a concern we heard about with another child to the doctors. It is called tongue tied, when the childs tongue is actually attached near the tip underneathe, rather than half way back on her tongue. This could be holding back some of her pronunciation, so if needed we will get it fixed. She doesn't go until August 10th to get it checked.
Olivia is playing summer soccer and loves it, although she keeps getting hit by the ball and boy does it hurt. Just ask me! Who was hit square across the face with it.
Olivia saved $400 from her newspaper money for her vacation, so that was a big help for mommy!
And for me four closings coming up, R/E has been pretty busy, would like it to be busier, but hanging in there. I love selling real estate and am hoping it gets more lucrative for me.
Mom and I were addicted to watching Harpers Island, the best series on tv ever. We need another series like that! I knew it was Henry all along!
Also in our thoughts are our friends Aleisa, Patrick and Maya Dunn who in just a few short weeks are leaving their home in Florida to move to China to teach for two years. We hope they have safe travels and this ends up being a great experience for all of them.
Well that's an update, more soon from our road trip this weekend!