Two years ago, I was blessed with my second daughter, Alexis.
Here is my original blog entry on that day from China.
Sorry this post is a day late.
Yesterday at 10:00 am we had our meeting to prepare for getting the babies. At 1:45pm we loaded onto the bus on the way to the Civil Affairs Office. As I was the experienced mom, I told all the new moms and dads to be quiet as we entered and you will hear the babies.
As we got off the elevator and waited for the next group to come up, everyone was silent and in the distance you could hear the littlest cries and goos. Olivia alerted the new families, that the babies were saying I want my mommies and daddies. Of course, that started everyone crying. Everyone was a bundle of emotions. We made our way into the holding room and all the families found a seat. The wooden doors were ajar and you could see a half dozen babies sitting on the floor and couch, just waiting to see their new families. It is hard to tell which baby is ours. But, Nana guessed the little one in the hot pink outfit.
We needed to fill out some paperwork and make sure other paperwork was correct. Then, Lee, said, ok families get your cameras ready. First up, was our friends Tanya and Jason, they were so nervous and excited. One by one the families were called up and greeted their new little one. About half way through it was our turn. I told Olivia I had to go up first. Lexi came to me very cautiously, I then bent down and let her be introduced to Olivia. Olivia was so excited. These babies just arrived after a six hour trip in a hot van up from the orphanage. Many babies were crying, including Lexi and some fell asleep. The room was very hot as well. Lexi only wanted me to stand up and rock her, no sitting, keep moving.
We had a chance to ask the nannies some questions, although we were told that the answers may not be facts but just an answer. The only question I asked was which other baby was her crib mate. The answer was none, they all had there own crib.
Afterwards, we thanked the orphanage director and presented gifts.
We got back to the hotel and Lexi cried all evening. Olivia pushed up and down the hallway in the stroller to try to make it easier for her. Nana had to babysit while I went to fill out some more paperwork for today. For soothing, Lexi reaches out for a blanket or your shirt to hold onto. She will search around the bed until she finds a spot to grab onto.
Olivia fell asleep and we finally got Lexi to take a bottle and some rice cereal. I was eating pizza while holding her and she opened her little mouth to have some. She only has her two top teeth in, so she sucked on the pizza a little.
After everyone fell asleep, I put her in her crib and finally got some smiles out of her.
Today, we go back to the Civil Affairs office to complete the adoption process.
I also took a video of the Gotcha Moment, which I have been trying to upload unsuccessfully. But, I will try again today.
Have I told you how hot it is! UGGHH!!
Let's hope for a happy day with no crying. Here are a few pics from yesterday.
Posted by The Bullock's at 5:14 PM 3 comments
Just moments before we met Lexi for the first time.

Behind this door, is a little girl in a hot pink one piece outfit, just waiting to meet her new family.

My New Family Photo