Today was the day my baby started first grade. The playground was quite chaotic with all the parents dropping their kids off. Olivia was so excited and couldn't wait to get there. I must say Olivia is so secure. She wasn't nervous at all, or at least didn't show it. She got in her classroom line, where I stood with her for a short while. Then I stepped away, when her teacher came out to greet the class and walk them into school.
My daughter makes me so proud of her. I try to teach her not to be afraid and make sure she makes a new friend each day. I had a few teary eyes just watching her being brave.
Her first day, although short (early release today & tomorrow) was fantastic. She came out of school with a smile ear to ear. She couldn't wait to tell me about her desk and locker. She gets to sit in the front row! I took a few minutes to make it her special day. We sat on the rock wall in front of school and I asked her all about her day. We also looked at all her papers in her backpack.
I couldn't be a prouder mom today!